
Drayton Reserve Volunteers

Drayton Reserve


Some of these can be found at www.weedbusters.org.nz, a good site for pictures and description, but controls are generally non-organic and many Canterbury problem weeds are not included. In the following list, "CCC bin" refers to your green bin (unless red bin is specified).


Dig out bulbs/corms, sap of leaves can be an irritant.

Black nightshade

Pull out and break up for mulch before berries form.

Bone seed (salt bush)

Cut below ground surface before it seeds.


Cut below ground surface before it seeds.

Californian thistle

ditto and when raining since soil splash onto cut root introduces lethal bacteria, or loosen soil and pull out as much root as possible and put in CCC bin.


Pull out before seeds form and compost or mulch.


Pull out fresh growth and as much root as will come, each year until it’s exhausted, and put in CCC bin.


Cut and chip before seeds form.

Dandelion (edible)

Cut flowers.

Fathen (edible)

Pull before seeding and compost.

Fennel (edible)

Cut root below ground with spade, cover root with soil to excluding light, compost /mulch leaves.


Pull before seeding and compost.


Cut root below ground, cover root with soil to exclude light, put in CCC bin.

Gallant soldiers (Galinsoga-edible)

Pull as soon as flowering or before and compost.

Giant hogweed (Wild parsnip-poisonous)

Prevent skin contact, as for fennel.

Hemlock (poisonous)

Prevent skin contact, as for fennel.

Ice plant

Pull out root and put in CCC bin.


Pull out carefully as much root as possible and put in CCC bin.

Japanese honeysuckle

Mexican daisy

Pull out and put in CCC bin.

Nassella tussock

Pull/dig out before seeds mature put in CCC bin.

Nasturtium (edible)

Pull out before seeds form.


Pull out before seeds form.


Dig up and put every bulb into CCC bin.

Oxtongue (edible)

Pull out before seeds form and compost/mulch.


Dig deep to remove all roots and put all, espec stems into CCC bin.

Pig’s ear

Pull out including root and put all in CCC red bin.

Purple loosestrife

Pull out including root and put all in CCC red bin.

Russell lupin

Pull out before seeds form and compost.

Spur valerian

Cut root below ground with spade, cover root with soil to excluding light, compost/mulch leaves. We have a document with more information about Spur Valerian.

Tradescantia (Wandering willie)

Pull carefully (brittle) and put in Council bin.

Tree lucern

Pull out small plants or cut below ground surface and cover to exclude light, compost leaves.

Tutsan (Hypericum)


Loosen soil with fork and pull out as much root as possible, put in CCC bin.

Umbrella sedge

Pull out root before seeds form put in CCC bin.

Veldt grass

Pull out before seeds mature and put in CCC bin.


Find main stem and pull out before seeds form.

Yarrow (edible)

Pull out with as much root as possible and put in CCC bin.